Friday, February 16, 2018

A simple and active life in the countryside can give so much meaning

Living in Eckental in the outskirts of Nuremberg, Bavaria has definitely its immeasurable benefits- fresh country air, tons of spaces to explore on my bike both in the neighbouring villages and the forests. The route I love best is cycling through thick pine forests, cherry tree orchards, corn fields, hops on climbing frames, working farms emitting the smell of cows and chickens, and seldom encountering another human being.   I then stop at our outdoor gym in the forest for some physical exercises. Final break is right on the edge of the fishpond, where I lay my mat for meditation. More often than not, I could hear gallops of horses with their riders or dog walkers in their morning routines. At times when I meet somebody we pause for a brief chat talking about subjects like edible forest vegetation or meeting parents of children who went to the same school as mine, so we update each other. We then carry on with our respective directions.  Isn’t that just glorious?

Many a times, I get very amusing reaction from people upon seeming me with my Asian appearance on a bike and speaking proper Deutsch! I bet they must wonder- How often does that happen in the countryside?

Some few years ago, not aware that I was suffering from distressing bouts of depression caused by malfunctioning thyroid glands, I found solace spending hours in the forest, doused in sunshine. Well, yes, from springtime to autumn.  It was only after I got tested that it was established why I felt the way I did.  If I didn’t have my ‘forest kingdom’ to uplift my spirits, I wouldn’t know where I would be today.

This simple and active life spent in solitude still continues to give me so much meaning in this world of ours filled with uncertainty, tribulations and trials.

 I do wish I can share this with people with the view that they, too, will find joy and bliss in simple living.

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