Monday, January 26, 2015

Make Happiness Yours

Many of us welcome the new year with well-intentioned resolutions only to find that after 3 weeks we revert back to the old self. Right? A study was made that brought about this so-called Blue Monday which is the 3rd Monday in January where people feel so letdown with their failure to stick to their resolutions for change . Of course, it has been debunked.
Well, for me it was not a case of a failed resolution. It is more than that. In fact it is life-changing and it's looong overdue. So now having gotten over the bump, I am ready to re-start. And with that, I am embarking on this mission. That is to be an instrument for enhancement, change, modification or just in simplifying people's lives.
I will be sharing tips of all kinds here. These tips are the result of an accumulated life experiences in various places, stages, roles and in general just as a person.
I hope I can achieve what I am aiming for here.
so let's start. First tip is on happiness.
According to the Dalai Lama, each of us is entitled to be happy. So how do we attain it? Happiness is a mind-set. To be happy, you need to be aware of how you view happiness is. Could it be peace of mind, warmth in your heart, acquisition of material objects, people around you, being in power, being out in nature; there are many, many sources of happiness but only you alone can decide. It is however very essential that your concept of happiness is based on your very own value and not trying to fit in with somebody else's.
So that's something to think about for you today.
Have a happy and fulfilling week. Smile, it feels good to do so..